Cultural Legacy

At Blakesley Hall Primary School, we are proud of our diversity. It is important that we celebrate each culture so that we can learn about ourselves and each other.

When we learn about ourselves it strengthens our individual identity and grows our confidence; when we learn about each other, it brings our community closer together, building respect and trust. This is why, in school, we learn about our individual Cultural Legacy.

When teaching in the wider curriculum subjects, we ensure that each child learns about their own cultural identity, making links between what they are learning and why it is relevant to them. We believe this makes the learning more interesting and therefore more exciting. It creates a real purpose for learning and helps each child develop pride in who they are, where they and their family have come from and the path they may take in the future. They find their place in the learning.

Cultural Legacy development provides children with a voice to celebrate who they are. It provides them with the history of who they are so they can talk confidently about themselves. It will give them the vocabulary to positively celebrate our diversity and to tackle discrimination.

By owning our individual heritage and knowing the contribution it makes to school and society, we can all leave our own legacy for future generations.

Staff are encouraged to all share their cultural identity so that children can understand and appreciate their cultural background. This allows us all to connect better with each other. It can also allow for children to identify individuals who they share a culture with. This can provide additional positive role models to the children. These connections can bring pride and confidence and with this comes academic success.

Birmingham is a great place to live. Its diversity is its strength. We have such a wide range of different cultures that are at the heart of our schools and the places where we work. If we can be proud of who we are as individuals, share our stories and learn from each other, then we build a community that we can all be proud of.

Cultural Legacy will help us all to be Safe, Secure and Successful - the Blakesley Way.