Year 2

Perseverance and Caring

Welcome to Year 2. We aim to provide a happy and secure learning environment where all children are encouraged to try their best and reach their full potential.

We ensure that the classrooms are an exciting and stimulating place to be which motivates them to work hard and achieve highly whilst having fun.

We strive to provide the children with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum catering to the needs of all children.

For this half term, PE will take place on:

  • 2M - Monday and Thursday afternoons
  • 2H – Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons
  • 2Z – Tuesday and Thursday afternoons

We set homework every Friday. The children will have spellings, reading comprehension, a maths activity and their reading books.

The expectation is that the children are supported and encouraged to complete their homework as it reinforces their learning.

Homework will be on Class Dojo so that the work can also be recapped.

If you have any questions, just message your child’s teacher on Class DoJo and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Sorting different materials in science.
Demonstrating our understanding of ordering numbers in practical maths.

Year 2 get to choose books for pleasure on their weekly library visit.